Wednesday, May 19, 2010


When one needs to monitor a servers performance, one has to make use of the Performance monitor to capture the system parameters and obtain the bigger picture, identify the bottleneck and then use profiler utility to identify the queries causing the performance slowdown.

Instead of using multiple tools to gather performance data, SQLDIAG is a single utility which is capable of capturing the following.

* Queries executed and corresponding events.
* Performance counters
* Error logs
* SQL Server blocks and resource usage information.
* SQL Server version and configuration information.

SQLDiag is a command line utility where one can configure the things to be captured in a XML file.SQLDiag is found in the drive in which SQL Executables are installed,with the path '..\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\' . SQLDiag takes a few input parameters like XML file to be taken as input, place to write the captured results etc. Once started provides the captured results into the specified folder.
Details about useful output files are provided below.

1) SQLDIAG.BLG - Stores the perfmon counters values asked for
2) _sp_trace.trc - Provides the profiler details/query
3) ***_sp_SQLDiag_shutdown.OUT- Provides the sqlerrorlog,current
running queries,open transaction,configuration info, blocking query
info taken at the time of stopping SQLDiag.

Sample call is provided below:

START SQLDIAG /I "%cd%\customized.XML" /O "%cd%\SQLDiagOutput" /P

"%cd%" Refers to the current directory. customized.XML is the XML I prepared for capturing data. SQLServer by default ships SQLDIAG.XML which can be used to capture data. SQLDIAG.XML captures a whole lot of data with too many counters and too
many profiler events. Instead, I have created a customized XML which grabs important 15 - 20 counters and queries that are executed against the database. Customized.xml can be downloaded from here. There are very few resources on SQLDiag the
net.Refer here for more details.

SQLDiag's advantages and drawbacks are provided below:


* Single tool to capture all the data required.
* Can be easily reused across servers as its just a single XML file which
contains all the configuration and settings
* Can be run as a Service

Disadvantages :
* Cant be configured from a remote machine. One needs to be logged in to the
actual server.
Stores the data only on the monitored instance.
* Changing XML can be bit tedious and difficult.
* No performance gain when compared to profiler/perfmon. Incurs the same
amount of resouces as other tools.
* Doesnt store data on the database which can make it easier for analysis.
Stores only on trc/text files.

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