Continuing from previous post , this post will discuss a few scenarios on hash collisions.
The following "in memory" table with a hash index is created. Please note that the hash bucket count has been set to 1024. Hash bucket count 1024 implies that hash collisions are certain after row count increases 1024.
CREATE TABLE dbo.hash_collision
[Data] uniqueidentifier DEFAULT newsequentialid() ,
[dt] datetime NOT NULL
Step 1: Load 500 rows
Insert into hash_collision(dt) select getdate()
GO 500
dm_db_xtp_hash_index_stats dmv can be used to check statistics on hash indexes n hash collisions. At 500 rows, the hash index stats indicates that the buckets are partially filled in.
WHERE object_name(object_id) = 'hash_collision'
- "Empty Bucket count" indicates the number of buckets that are empty. In this case, close to 50% are empty as we have inserted only 500 rows.
- "Average Chain Length" indicates average length of a hash chain. In other words, average number of hops one may need to take to find a row.
Step 2: Add another 500 rows
Let us add another 500 rows and check the index status from dm_db_xtp_hash_index_stats
Insert into hash_collision(dt) select getdate()
go 500
select * FROM sys.dm_db_xtp_hash_index_stats WHERE object_name(object_id) = 'hash_collision'
dm_db_xtp_hash_index_stats indicates that 80% of the buckets are full but the average hash chain length is still at 1 as there are still a few empty hash buckets.
Step 3: Add 9000 rows
Let us add few more thousands - say 9000 rows. Now table contains 10,000 rows but only 1024 hash buckets
Insert into hash_collision(dt) select getdate()
go 9000
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_xtp_hash_index_stats
WHERE object_name(object_id) = 'hash_collision'
Notice a sharp increase in "Average Chain Length" as there more values than the number of buckets. The number of empty buckets is obviously zero.
So does longer hash chain affect the performance? Longer hash chains cause reads or the index scan to be slower. So, it is important to pick the hash bucket count carefully. General recommendation is at least 2 times the number of distinct values in the table. Also, it is always better to over size the hash bucket count instead of under sizing it.