Sunday, July 25, 2010

Disabling Primary Key/ Clustered index

Most of us are aware that indexes and constraints can be disabled. This post will concentrate on what happens when a Clustered index or Primary key is disabled.

When a Clustered index is disabled , irrespective of whether it is a part of primary key or not, the entire table is placed offline. Placed offline essentially means that one cant issue any select/insert/update/delete on the table and also all the other indexes associated with the table are disabled. When a clustered primary key is disabled, in addition to the impact happening because of disabling clustered index, the foreign key constraints on the tables that are referencing the disabled primary key are disabled as well.But the most important part is when you enable back your primary key, the foreign key constraints still remain disabled. We will see a quick example.

I have a student table with sid column as clustered primary key.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student]
     [sid]          [INT] NOT NULL,
     [student_name] [VARCHAR](50) NULL,
CREATE INDEX ix_student_name
  ON [Student]([student_name])

Student_marks table references student table. Script for the same is provided below.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[student_marks]
     [sid]          [INT] NOT NULL,
     [marks]        [INT] NULL,
     [subject_name] [VARCHAR](50) COLLATE sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as NOT NULL,
     [subject_id]   [INT] NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[student_marks] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_student_marks_Student]
FOREIGN KEY([sid]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Student] ([sid])

Let us disable the primary key on the student table. It can be done by

ALTER INDEX pk_student ON dbo.student DISABLE

Warning: Foreign key 'FK_student_marks_Student' on table 'student_marks' referencing table 'Student' was disabled as a result of disabling the index 'PK_Student'.
Warning: Index 'IX_student_name' on table 'Student' was disabled as a result of disabling the clustered index on the table.

We obtain a warning message saying that the Non Clustered Index on student table and the foreign key constraint on student_marks table are disabled.The same can be confirmed by querying sys.foreign_keys tabled. The is_disabled column with a value one indicates that the constraint is disabled.

SELECT Object_name(parent_object_id)     AS table_name,
       Object_name(referenced_object_id) AS referenced_pky_tbl_name,
       name                              AS constraint_name,
FROM   sys.foreign_keys
WHERE  Object_name(referenced_object_id) LIKE 'student' 

Now let me enable the Primary key constraint back on student table.
The command used is provided below.

ALTER INDEX ALL ON dbo.student rebuild 

Primary key constraint is enabled by using the Index Rebuild command. One can rebuild just the Clustered index to enable the primary key but that would not enable the other non clustered indexes on the table. ALTER INDEX ALL enables all the indexes that are present in the table and hence it is the recommended command if you have disabled your clustered primary key.

To prove that foreign key is not enabled,let me insert a row into student_marks table which violates the constraint.I execute the following script which effectively proves the same.

FROM   student
WHERE  sid = -1

GO /*-- To ensure that no row on student has sid = -1 */
INSERT INTO student_marks

FROM   student_marks
WHERE  sid = -1

GO /* to confirm that insert was successful */
SELECT Object_name(parent_object_id)     AS table_name,
       Object_name(referenced_object_id) AS referenced_pky_tbl_name,
       name                              AS constraint_name,
FROM   sys.foreign_keys
WHERE  Object_name(referenced_object_id) LIKE 'student'

To enable the constraint first delete the invalid row and then use Check constraint command.

DELETE student_marks
WHERE  sid = -1

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[student_marks] WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINT [FK_student_marks_Student]

So, the conclusion of this post is always remember to enable the foreign key constraints after you have disabled and enabled your primary key. Let me finish the post with a quick script to generate a script for enabling foreign key

DECLARE @primary_key_tbl_name VARCHAR(500)

SET @primary_key_tbl_name = 'student'

SELECT 'ALTER TABLE [' + + '].[' +
       Object_name(parent_object_id) +
              '] WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT [' + + ']' AS
FROM   sys.foreign_keys,
WHERE  Object_name(referenced_object_id) LIKE @primary_key_tbl_name
       AND is_disabled = 1
       AND TYPE = 'F'
       AND sys.schemas.schema_id = sys.foreign_keys.schema_id

Set the value of @primary_key_tbl_name to the table whose primary key you have disabled. Executed the script after you have disabled and enabled the primary key. The Script pulls the related foriegn keys to the table and generates the enable script for the same.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Number of Drives,Location and Raid levels

When you are setting up your new server, One of the important tasks you have its to pick the right number of disks for correct purposes at the correct RAID level. This article briefly deals with the same.

SQL Server Data files: One needs atleast one dedicated drive for Data files. Ideally, for best performance one needs the disk to be have it Raid 10 as it involves random reads and random writes.

SQL Server Log files: Log files have more sequential reads and writes. To avoid any IO contention, one needs a dedicated drive at Raid 1.

SQL Server Backups: Backups are always to be kept on a drive different from data and log files so that they don't become a single point of failure. ie., When your data/ log file drive gets corrupted then your backups are also lost , if placed on the same drive. As Backups involve high writes RAID 1 / RAID 10 is recommended.

Location of Operating System: Operating system is ideally to be placed in C:\ drive and should always be kept away from data file drive, log file drive and backup drive.

Location of SQL Server executables: SQL Server's executables are similar
to operating system files and hence we are better off keeping them away from Data and log files.

Tempdb location: In general, tempdb involves heavy writes and ideally Raid 1 or Raid 10 is recommended.It is a luxury if you can afford a separate disk for tempdb. If your application heavily uses tempdb then you are strongly recommended to do so.

So, Ideally one atleast needs 3 dedicated disks for SQL Server with one each for Data file , Log files, Backups.Note that this doesn't include C drive required for Operating system + SQL Server's executable.Out of the 3 dedicated SQL Server, one is expected to be on RAID 10. I realize that RAID 10 is the most expensive but all good things in this world are expensive., aren't they :) The most popular raid level, RAID 5 is mostly good for reads and for file servers which don't change much. RAID 5 performs 50% slower than RAID 10.

References: As usual another cool Brad McGhee article from here.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Does IDENTITY_INSERT reset identity?

Most of us are aware that if we want to force a value of our choice on a identity column then we use the command SET IDENTITY_INSERT table name ON . But does that reset the identity? What kind of impact does it have on the current identity is what we will see on this post.

Consider the following script.

CREATE TABLE test_table
     auto_id  INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
     somedata VARCHAR(50)
/* Creating a table with a identity value */

INSERT INTO test_table
GO 10

Note that GO followed by number executes the same query number of times. The above statement on a query analyzer/ssms inserts 10 times producing 10 rows on the test_table.

To confirm the current identity value let us use ident_current command

SELECT Ident_current('test_table') 

As expected the current identity value is 10.
Let us push the value 50 into the table. It can be done by

SET identity_insert test_table ON
INSERT INTO test_table
SET identity_insert test_table OFF 

Now let us check the identity value again.

SELECT Ident_current('test_table') 

The identity value has been reset to 50. To confirm the same, let us do a insert of a row and verify the value.

INSERT INTO test_table
SELECT MAX(auto_id),
FROM   test_table 

The new value inserted is 51 as shown in the picture.
So this effectively proves that SET IDENTITY_INSERT resets the value of the identity column.But wait.There is some more. Let us try to force another value, but this time lower than the current identity value 51.So let us force 25.

SET identity_insert test_table ON
INSERT INTO test_table
SET identity_insert test_table OFF 

Let us check the current seed.

SELECT MAX(auto_id),
FROM   test_table 

The seed still remains at 51 as it was earlier. So, IDENTITY_INSERT hasnt reset the identity this time.

So, the conclusion is IDENTITY_INSERT resets the value if the value forced is higher than the current identity value.If the value forced is less than the current identity value then IDENTITY_INSERT doesnt reset the value. This behaviour helps when one needs to fill any gaps caused in the identity column because of delete statments.

What are the other commands that can affect identity property?
1) Truncate table resets the identity value seed set at the table creation. However, if the table contains any foriegn key contraints then truncate table doesnt work.

2) DBCC CHECKIDENT(table_name,reseed,new_seed_value):
Checkident can reseed the table's seed to new value whereas truncate always sets the identity value to the value set initially at the table creation.

All the options specified above namely identity_insert,truncate_table,DBCC checkident require sysadmin, db_owner or DDLadmin rights on the sql server/database.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lock Monitoring - SQL Server 2005

As mentioned in the previous post, the query provided below can be
use to check locking on sql server 2005. Script is Simple , but powerful :)

SELECT spid,
       TEXT                                            AS [query],
       request_type                                    AS LOCK,
       sys.dm_tran_locks.resource_type                 AS object_type,
       Db_name(sysprocesses.dbid)                      AS dbname,
       status                                          AS query_status,
       Db_name(sys.dm_tran_locks.resource_database_id) AS locked_database_name
FROM   sys.dm_tran_locks,
       OUTER APPLY Fn_get_sql(sql_handle)
WHERE  spid > 50
       AND sys.dm_tran_locks.request_session_id = spid
ORDER  BY request_mode DESC 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lock monitoring - SQL Server 2000

One of the important parts of performance monitoring is monitoring locks. Imagine a situation, where you have a query that just waits for long and
you want to find which query and connection is locking it. One option is to use sp_lock and check which connection holds exclusive lock and then check
use dbcc inputbuffer to find the actual query. Another option is to Activity monitor on the Enterprise manager. Both of these dont directly specify the query responsible for locking. The following script will list the queries along with the locks held by them.

CREATE TABLE #sp_lock_details
     spid     INT,
     dbid     INT,
     objid    INT,
     indid    INT,
     TYPE     VARCHAR(100),
     resource VARCHAR(1000),
     mode     VARCHAR(10),
     status   VARCHAR(50)

INSERT INTO #sp_lock_details
EXEC Sp_lock

DECLARE @exec_qry VARCHAR(100)
DECLARE @monitored_dt DATETIME

SET @monitored_dt = Getdate()

CREATE TABLE [#sysproc]
     id             INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
     [spid]         [SMALLINT] NOT NULL,
     [dbname]       [NVARCHAR](128) COLLATE sql_latin1_general_cp1_cs_as NULL,
     [cpu]          [INT] NOT NULL,
     [memusage]     [INT] NOT NULL,
     [status]       [NCHAR](30) COLLATE sql_latin1_general_cp1_cs_as NOT NULL,
     [loginame]     [NCHAR](128) COLLATE sql_latin1_general_cp1_cs_as NOT NULL,
     [hostname]     [NCHAR](128) COLLATE sql_latin1_general_cp1_cs_as NOT NULL,
     [lastwaittype] [NCHAR](32) COLLATE sql_latin1_general_cp1_cs_as NOT NULL,
     [last_batch]   [DATETIME] NOT NULL,
     [cmd]          [NCHAR](16) COLLATE sql_latin1_general_cp1_cs_as NOT NULL,
     [program_name] [NCHAR](128) COLLATE sql_latin1_general_cp1_cs_as NOT NULL,
     QUERY          VARCHAR(255),
     open_tran      INT

CREATE TABLE #dbccinfo
     eventype  VARCHAR(255),
     param     INT,
     eventinfo VARCHAR(255)

INSERT INTO #sysproc
SELECT spid,
       Db_name(MASTER.dbo.sysprocesses.dbid) AS dbname,
FROM   MASTER.dbo.sysprocesses
WHERE  spid > 50

SET @id = 1

WHILE ( @id <= @max )
      SELECT @spid = spid
      FROM   #sysproc
      WHERE  id = @id

      SET @exec_qry = 'DBCC INPUTBUFFER(' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), @spid) + ')'

      INSERT INTO #dbccinfo
      EXEC (@exec_qry)

      UPDATE sys
      SET    QUERY = eventinfo
      FROM   #sysproc sys,
      WHERE  @id = id

      TRUNCATE TABLE #dbccinfo

      SET @id = @id + 1

SELECT #sysproc.spid,
       #sp_lock_details.mode          AS LOCK,
       TYPE                           AS object_type,
       #sysproc.status                AS query_status,
       Db_name(#sp_lock_details.dbid) AS locked_object_dbname,
       #sp_lock_details.indid         AS locked_obj_indid
FROM   #sysproc,
WHERE  #sp_lock_details.spid = #sysproc.spid
ORDER  BY #sp_lock_details.mode DESC

DROP TABLE #dbccinfo
DROP TABLE #sysproc
DROP TABLE #sp_lock_details 

Fairly simple script. Logic is to get the sp_lock details along with sysprocesses details and fire a inputbuffer or each spid.The Script provides the query involved along with the details from sysprocesses and hence it covers all the info provided by Activity monitor and adds a valuable addition by giving the query as well.The script provides the results in descending order of lock mode, so
that 'X' the exclusive lock, which most of us are interested in comes first.

The Script for SQL Server 2005 is even more simpler, which I will post in the next post.