Monday, August 2, 2010


This post is a gentle intro into couple of useful undocumented commands which I will be using in the next couple of posts.


DBCC IND command provides the list of pages used by the table or index. The command provides the page numbers used by the table along with previous page number,next page number. The command takes three parameters.

Syntax is provided below.

DBCC ind ( <database_name>, <table_name>, non clustered index_id*) 

The third parameter can either be a Non Clustered index id ( provided by sys.indexes ) or 1,0,-1,-2. -1 provides complete information about all type of pages( in row data,row over flow data,IAM,all indexes ) associated with the table. The list of columns returned are provided below.

IndexID: Provides id of the index. 0 - for heap, 1 - clustered index.,Non
clustered ids > 2 .
PagePID : Page number
IAMFID : Fileid of the file containing the page ( refer sysfiles )
ObjectID : Objectid of the table used.
Iam_chain_type: Type of data stored ( in row data,row overflow etc )
PageType : 1 refers to Data page, 2 -> Index page,3 and 4 -> text pages
Indexlevel: 0 - refers to leaf. Highest value refers to root of an index.
NextPagePID,PrevPagePID : refers to next and previous page numbers.

The command provides the pages used by table named Bigtable in database dbadb.

DBCC ind(dbadb, bigtable, -1) 

Next undocumented command we would be seeing is DBCC PAGE:
DBCC PAGE takes the page number as the input parameter and displays the content of the page.Its almost like opening database page with your hands and viewing the contents of the page.


DBCC page(<database_name>, <fileid>, <pagenumber>, <viewing_type>) 

DBCC PAGE takes 4 parameters. They are database_name, fileid, pagenumber, viewing_type.Viewing_type parameter when passed a value 3 and displays the results in tabular format.If you are viewing a data page then the results are always in text format. For Index pages, when we pass the value 3 as parameter we get the results in a tabular format.DBCC PAGE command requires the trace flag 3604 to be turned on before its execution.

A sample call is when a Index page is viewed is provided below:
Note that the page number picked (9069) is a page from clustered index of the table
'Bigtable'. 'Bigtable' has a clustered index on a column named 'id' .

DBCC traceon(3604)
DBCC page(dbadb, 1, 8176, 3)

Useful columns returned are provided below:
Level : Index level
id(Key) : Actual column value on the index. The indexed column name suffixed with '(key)' becomes a part of a result set. If your index has 4 columns then 4 columns with the suffix '(key)' will be a part of your result set. In the above example the data/values on column 'id' present in the page 8176 are displayed.
ChildPageid: Pageid of the child page.

A sample call when a data page number is passed is shown below:

DBCC traceon(3604)
DBCC page(dbadb, 1, 9069, 3)

Bit cryptic to read the text format results. But anyways we will using it less compared to index page results.

What we intend to do with these two commands ?

These two commands help us understand index structures, they way pages have been allocated and linked in a much better way. DBCC IND and PAGE are the two commands with which we can really get our hands dirty while trying to understand index structures. In the next couple of posts, I will analyze index structures using these commands and provide some interesting inferences on how index structures are arranged internally.

References : As usual Kalen Deanley - SQL Server Internals :)


  1. Nice Article !

    Really this will help to people of SQL Server Community.
    I have also prepared small note on this, Find page infomration using DBCC PAGE, DBCC IND of SQL Server.

  2. DBCC PAGE command can use to analyze SOL Server database objects, read from here:
